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Thanksgiving is an exciting time of year. It’s right before schedules get super busy and every one is in anticipation for the holiday season. My boys especially get their Christmas lists ready and tell me every other day what new toy they want added to the list. My husband and I have talked at lengths, and we really want to instill the idea of giving and not getting in our boys. Thus birthed the Gratitude party for kids idea.
Gratitude Party Timing Is Everything
We decided to plan it a bit ahead of the season for several reasons.
Christmas is usually pretty busy anyway, and it’s hard to get a party going before the holiday time gets away from us.
Besides, I would rather have the little ones grasp the true meaning of a giving spirit before we hit the hustle and bustle.
Don’t Over-stress
It’s important to realize that the best parties for kids, especially younger ones/preschool age, are the party’s that are simple and chill. Don’t over plan or over stress about it. Certainly don’t worry about the party being the perfect, Pinterest-worthy, over the top theme. The best parties are spontaneous, chill, and fun.
You can keep this party idea small and intimate, perhaps only for mom, dad, and kiddos. Or, you can branch out and invite your family friends for a play date turned party. This idea is also perfect for Sunday School or club meetings, or a fall themed party to kick off the Thanksgiving season.
The Gratitude Goody Bags
My favorite way to instill gratitude is by getting the kids involved in making something for someone else. I love the idea of putting together goody bags for people in a service job who come into contact with my boys in the day to day life. When it’s the busy season, these people come out of the woodwork even more-so.
What Am I Going To Put In These Bags?
It can be difficult to come up with universal items. Afterall, most of us buy what we like anyways. Plus, we don’t want to break the bank putting these things together. Here’s a short list to get you started with items you can purchase in bulk at a reasonable cost.
- Crazy Socks (here’s a link for 46 random ones)
- Deck of cards (who doesn’t like to play cards)
- Lip balm (this specific link is to 120 lip balms, 12 different flavors)
- Craft mix cocktail/mocktail mixers (something I would never think to order for myself)
- Stress balls
- Tictacs/Gum
- Pens and notepads
- Key chain flashlights
- Bottled Water (especially for delivery drivers!)
- Snacks—individual chip bags, chocolate candy bars, homemade cookies or brownies
- $5-10 Gift cards to local coffee shops, gas stations, etc.
But, Who?
Who can you send these Goody Bags out to?
- Mailman/Delivery Drivers
- Policeman
- Fire department
- Teachers/co-op teacher
- Sunday school teachers
- Pastor
- Doctors
- Dentist
- Coaches
- Music Teachers (voice lessons, instrument lessons)
- Grocery Store worker—person who brings out groceries, or the one who checks you out
- Doordash delivery driver
Basically, just think of anyone your child is around who does something for them. And, make multiple ones. A great example of this is the delivery drivers. How many times is the Amazon deliverer going to show up to your house during the holiday season? At least have enough to give them out to more than just two deliverers.
This also works great for those of us who have animals that are outdoors; if I left a basket outside near my front porch for delivery drivers to pick and choose from, my dog would have it destroyed in half an hour.
As far as the rest of the list is concerned–keep the bags in a box in your car. The next time your child has a lesson or practice, or you’re getting fast food on the go, you won’t forget to hand a bag over.
Your Basic Party Needs
What I’ve found that works well for my parties is to have three different activities ready: food, crafts, and games. I love to make warm apple cider or a cold apple cider punch for young ones to sip. The fall craft of course can be putting together the goody bags. If you want to add something extra for each kiddo to keep, Hobby Lobby has perfect fall foam crafts to make for a good price.
If you’re really simple, like me, send kiddos out on a nature walk. Have them gather different leaves—look for the best ones in shape. Once indoors, place a white sheet of copy paper over the top of the leaf and have each child color on the paper with a crayon to reveal the leaf pattern. If you want to throw in some basic science (you know that’s right up my alley), talk to the kiddos about leaf veins and photosynthesis!
Based on how old the kids are, you know that assembling the goody bags might not last very long for a party. Kids get tired and impatient pretty quickly, especially if their best friend is there with them. This is the perfect time to let them out on the trampoline on a perfect fall day, or play a game of red light green light. I like the idea of playing musical chairs. Every time a kid gets out, he or she has to say what they are thankful for this year.
Last Minute Party Details
Lastly, focus on having fun. Kids parties are my favorite because they can be so low-key. You’re guaranteed to have laughter and silly jokes the whole night. So long as the party has a bit of structure and you go from one activity to the next, you can almost guarantee you’re going to have a good time.
PS: don’t try it alone! If the other mamas are willing to stay and help, you’ll get a bit of conversation in while the kiddos are playing games.
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