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Over the fall/spring of this past year, I was a part of a secret sister group at our church where we prayed for each other and randomly gave each other gifts. My secret sister gifted me this book, “Women of the Bible Speak” at some point. After reading it, I knew I needed to add it to my Honest Book Reviews.
Basic Breakdown
The Women of the Bible Speak, written by Shannon Bream was surprisingly original. I’ve read a few “women of the Bible” sort of texts in my lifetime. While I usually glean one or two new points to apply in my life, generally speaking, most of it is reused phrases and topics I’ve heard before.
I didn’t have too high of hopes with this one, and almost decided I’d probably donate this to Goodwill halfway through reading it, but “I’ll at least give it a chance”. I’m so glad I did.
General Description
Shannon Bream takes a unique twist on this dive into different female Bible character’s lives by comparing the women two at a time. This allows the reader to see the women in a new light. Additionally, Shannon brings to light the significance of some of the character’s names. This extra tidbit of information really helped me understand their stories a bit deeper than I otherwise would have.
What I loved the most, however, was Shannon’s applications she drew with each individual story. Shannon was able to bring lessons from stories written thousands of years ago and apply them to the 21st century life. These applications became lessons you could apply to the problems women of all ages might face today.
Favorite Quote from “Women of the Bible Speak”
“In the battles He sets before us, God expects us to fight as Jael did, with the weapons we have…Sisera isn’t going to show up at our homes, but the enemy is–count on that.”
My Opinions
Obviously, if you can’t tell by now, I truly enjoyed this read. I even took some detailed notes about the points that were drawn throughout the book. Each of these descriptions had me relating to the Bible characters in a new light. I gained some clear insights and perspectives that I will carry with me for quite some time.
I was reminded, through reading “Women of the Bible Speak” that God sees us in our misery like he saw Leah. God rewards those who act out on faith, like Ruth, Jael, and Esther. I was inspired to praise God like Hannah, Miriam and Deborah did.
I had never seen such a deep dive into the unnamed women that Jesus interacted with. That may have been my favorite part. And ultimately, I was inspired by the way Shannon discussed Martha and all that she had learned from the Savior.
I definitely would recommend this to a Christian woman of any age who is wanting to open her eyes deeper into female Bible characters. Aside from this book, I haven’t read any books on Bible characters that I thoroughly enjoyed like this one. However, I do know Shannon has authored two other similar titles, The Love Stories of the Bible Speak and The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak, both of which I am adding to my Amazon book wish list.
Have you read this book? Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments!
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