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I find this title kind of funny, actually. Why would I even read a certain Bible passage before I started reading a certain Bible passage, right? There is a method behind the madness. One way I want to improve my quiet time is to start to memorize scripture. What better way to incorporate scripture memory than to read a certain passage every day as a start to my devotions?
Actually, I got a second “perk” (if you will) from doing this when I started. I began to prepare my heart beforehand. I would get my mind on the right wavelength before I started my daily Bible reading. It was almost as if I was praying that certain passage of scripture into my own life every day.
What I do is I write out the entire passage beforehand. I’ve done this by hand on a notecard. Also, I’ve typed out the passage on paper and laminated it. I recommend laminating if it’s a particularly longer passage you want to read (over 5 verses). Here are some passage ideas to get you started.
Memorize Scripture: Start With The Armor of God
(Ephesians 6:10-17) I have a place in my heart for this passage of scripture. It’s the first passage I incorporated into my devotions when I started to do this. I would definitely urge anyone who wants to try this method to start with this passage. You can read more about my thoughts on the Armor of God from another blog post I wrote. To summarize it up, though, I would just state it’s the passage you want to have in your arsenal as you start each day.
Psalm 27
Before you freak out that this is a whole chapter, realize that this chapter is only 14 verses. Psalm 27 stuck out to me when I read it in my devotions in college. For some reason, I decided to memorize it all of those years ago (10 years actually, I can’t believe I’m that old). I actually got my sons to memorize this passage last year as well.
This chapter has some “nuggets of gold” that really encourage you to put your trust in the Lord and lean on his guidance and protection. It’s definitely something that can make a positive impact on your daily outlook by reading it each day before starting your devotions.
The Fruit of the Spirit
Another popular passage that won’t disappoint. You can find it in Galatians 5:22-26. This is a shorter scripture that shouldn’t take you too long to memorize, and is for sure easy for those of us who struggle with scripture memory.
The “Worry” Passage
Right in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus throws in a passage all about worrying in Matthew 6:25-34. I’ve turned back to this portion of scripture quite a bit during college, after we got married, and during the new stages of motherhood. Obviously, as women, we’re prone to worry easily. If you feel like you’re worrying constantly and want to overcome it in your life, this would be a great passage to build a foundation on.
“Abide in Me”
John 15:4-8 is Jesus encouraging us to abide in Him. I think this passage is a great reminder of what it looks like to constantly, continually abide in Christ. Throughout Scripture there is this idea of walking with God. It’s not a sprint. It’s this daily, sometimes even hourly, dedication to trying to become more like Christ. If your focus this year is to try to make more of that daily dedication, adding this to your scripture memorization repertoire is a fantastic idea.
Pray like Paul for Spiritual Growth
In Ephesians 3:14-21, Paul tells the Church of Ephesus how he prays for them. This is such a nugget of gold for how we should be praying for ourselves, too. This passage contains one of my favorite terms, “exceeding abundantly”. How powerful would it be to read these few verses at the start of every day that we dive into our quiet time!
Focus on Joy
The overarching theme of the whole book of Philippians is Joy. Obviously, it would really help us if we read the entire book each day before we started our daily Bible reading. For the rest of us who work full time or raise our children at home, or do both(!) it’s simply not feasible to have a one hour Bible reading session each day. If you’re someone who is searching for the joy in the mundane, wanting to change your mindset to a cheerful one, I think Philippians 4:4-9 is a great place to start.
Remember Our High Priest
It’s very easy in our own little words to get distracted. It’s even easier to forget what we have in Christ. We have a high priest who was sinless. Because of this, we can now approach God’s throne at any time and get mercy and grace whenever we are in need. Are you in a needy time of your life? Reading Hebrews 4:14-16 every day can remind you how to get help.
Hopefully this post gives you some encouragement to incorporate memorizing scripture into your daily quiet time habits. Do you have a favorite passage you think should be added? Drop them in the comments below!
Ok so I just spent an hour reading all the posts I’ve missed. You really do write well!! I hope you continue this for a long time! Love you!!